Friday, September 26, 2014

Boomer Watch: Baby Boomers, LTC Planning and The ABCs of Long-Term Care Insurance

Topics about baby boomers are usually related to topics about long-term care and long-term care insurance, as these "baby boomers" comes of age, the necessity that they will be needing long-term care services increase, this is evidently the biggest risk in their retirement years.

Studies showed that only few people have coverage against ltc, while many are aware of its impact, majority of them doesn't know where to begin or how to start planning for it. Therefore, a lot of boomers are totally unprepared and unaware how they are going to meet their future long-term care needs. Statistics revealed that 54% of baby boomer do not fully understand long-term care insurance and around 73% doesn't own a policy while majority still thinks that they are never going to need it.

Knowing the key concepts about ltci lets you plan smoothly and wisely, it would allow you to acquire a policy that is relevant to your situation, needs and preference.

With the cost of long-term care increasing dramatically, ltcoptions provides key information which will serve as a strong foundation so you can choose the best options to secure financing future long-term care expenses.

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