Friday, November 28, 2014

Federal Long Term Care Program: Will it Help You?

Many people are now thinking about their long term care needs in the future. They understand that there is a high probability that they might need the assistance during the later years of their life. In relation to this, many are relying on a federal long term care program to provide them with long term care when they needed it.  However, can this program provide you all your long term care needs? To better understand this matter, you can continue reading the article.

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Thursday, November 27, 2014

Ombudsman Program for Long-Term Care, Stepping up for Aging American's Rights

From time to time, we may have heard about cases of elder abuse, either physically, mentally, emotionally or financially, this is a serious issue that needs to be addressed. If our loved ones and family members are in a long-term care facility and we discovered that they don't receive the proper care that is due them, we would be reacting violently, but how do we deal with this?

CJAD news reported on a case of an elderly who was in an ltc facility for nine months and her loved ones discovered that she hasn't received a proper bath since she was first admitted to the facility. Her family was outrageous and filed numerous complaints against the facility. If you were in the same shoes of her loved ones, do you know exactly where to go in cases like this?

We have previously discussed about long-term care ombudsman in this blog two weeks ago, today, we will feature additional helpful information on how the program is stepping up for elder rights.

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Thursday, November 20, 2014

How Will Baby Boomers Handle Long-Term Care Costs

At a dramatic and alarming rate, the cost to stay in a nursing home care facility is increasing. In the latest Genworth Financial report, $83,950 is the median annual cost of a nursing home care facility which has risen annually (4.5 percent/year) over the period of the last five years.

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Long-Term Care Insurance Alternatives for Baby Boomers

To get coverage for long term care, there are other ways aside from looking for a major insurance carrier and paying the premiums of a long term care insurance policy. You probably find premiums to be too expensive due to limited assets. On the other hand, if you already own a health or life insurance policy, you may not want to buy another one for long term care. discussed and provided several options as an alternative to traditional long-term care insurance.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Boomer Watch: Elder Care Laws, Why Does it Concerns Baby Boomers

We usually hear about "elder laws" which is highly significant to seniors and baby boomers, but do we have enough information about its significance and importance? Why does it concerns the baby boomers?

According to, "Elder law ensures the matriarchy and patriarch of your family is taken care of in various areas of their life", and this includes three major categories namely:
  • Estate Planning
  • Long Term Care
  • Guardianship

Monday, November 17, 2014

Boomer Watch: Caregiving Baby Boomers - The Unrecognized Challenges

Being a caregiver is unbelievably hard. Most people who receive professionally trained level of care, or, people who provide the specialized care would know just how hard it exactly is. It’s one of those careers or professions that takes a part of you for you to be able to be sincere without losing professionalism. Most people claim they know what a caregiver is but they probably don’t know anything about caregiving.
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Friday, November 14, 2014

Boomer Watch: Longevity, Long-Term Care and the Baby Boomer Women

Many baby boomers are now retiring, they are aware of the challenges they may face in their golden years especially in terms of finances, health and long-term care. However, baby boomer women need to see retirement differently compared to men. As we are all aware, women are more likely to live longer than men so they have to have extra funds to last their lifetime. 

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Thursday, November 13, 2014

Boomer Watch: Benefits of Long-Term Care Insurance for Baby Boomers

There are various waysof obtaining long term care insurance plans as discussed in If you have limited income and budget, you are advised to enroll with Medicaid. On the other hand, if you earn sufficient income and possess a lot of money as savings, you may consider buying a private long term care insurance policy.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Boomer Watch: Later Life Financial Planning - Long-Term Care Insurance is a Must!

Preparing yourself for your future will not only include having a stable job and savings for your family, but what about when you are older and you already hit the age where you are going to retire. What are the necessary preparations you made in order for you to have an enjoyable and pleasant elder life?
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Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Boomer Watch: Advocates for Baby Boomers and Seniors - Long Term Care Ombudsman

As baby boomers plan for their care needs in the future, it is best to be familiar with the different resources that they can tap. The government has a number of bodies and people that are specifically tasked to tackle any concerns regarding long term care and one of them is the long term care ombudsman.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Boomer Watch: The Long-Term Care Scenario for Baby Boomers

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There are several studies that showed baby boomers are expected to live longer than their parent's generation, and majority of these baby boomers are likely to live alone in their old age due to several factors including, divorce/separation and a lot of them not being married. In addition, despite medical advances it was revealed that the health of the baby boomers is worse than their previous generations. This actual facts and statistics only boils down to one thing, the boomers are likely to impact the long-term care state of the country due to frailty or a more serious health condition that may require ltc services.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Boomer Watch: Long-Term Care Awareness Month Dedicated to Baby Boomers

There isn't any better opportunity to begin discussing long-term care with your family than today, in connection with the observance of National Long-Term Care Awareness Month, baby boomers are encouraged to start the conversation and plan for long-term care.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Boomer Watch: Long-Term Care Options for Boomers with Alzheimer's

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of dementia, people who suffer from this disease may need several years of care and the cost can be unreasonable. As the disease progress, it may no longer be possible for patients to be cared for at home, they may need to move to a specialized dementia care facility.

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Monday, November 3, 2014

Boomer Watch: The Boomer's Changing Needs - Reviewing Your Health Care Coverage

As we get older, our needs and priorities changes especially in terms of health and spending priorities. In line with this, the plans that we made years ago needs constant review and changes as well so we can keep up with the stages in our lives.

Photo credit: Boomer Cafe